The ImaginaCiencia team gets funding from Explora CONICYT to teach science through a Molecular Gastronomy project


“Cocina Molecular para el Aula” (“Molecular Gastronomy for the Classroom”) is the name of the project awarded to the ImaginaCiencia team from Fundación Ciencia & Vida in the XXth Explora CONICYT National Contest for the Popularization of Science and Technology 2015-2016.

This project consists of a theoretical and practical workshop aimed at high school science and/or gastronomy teachers, with the focus on teaching them the physical, chemical and biochemical principles behind the techniques of the molecular cuisine. Two workshops for 20 teachers each will be carried out in our laboratories using low-cost and simple materials so that the experience may be easily reproduced in the classroom. In addition, 4 instructors from the Millennium Institute of Oceanography from the southern city of Concepción will be trained and given the necessary materials to conduct this workshop for 15 teachers in that city.

The teachers will receive a free Molecular Gastronomy Kit containing equipment, reagents and basic supplies. The ImaginaCiencia team will also provide the participants with a Procedures Booklet and some Science Communication tools that will help teachers in explaining to their students the theoretical and molecular bases of these activities in a pleasant and entertaining way.



ImaginaCiencia team from Fundación Ciencia & Vida (from left to right): Evelyn Menares, Pablo Cifuentes, Nicole Rojas, Sebastián Valenzuela, Nicole Halçartégaray and Cristian Doñas.
