Institutional Collaborations in Chile

Immunology Program with Universidad de Chile

This alliance involves a combined effort in advanced teaching and research in various aspects of basic and applied immunology. Students from the PhD Programs in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Neuroscience of the Faculty of Sciences (Universidad de Chile) benefit from this interaction by attending the Advance Course in Immunology or by working on their thesis either at the Fundacion or at the Immunology lab at the Faculty of Sciences. Research topics include immune tolerance; transplant immunology, neuroimmunology, and cancer immunotherapy and vaccine development, among others.


Since the beginnings of CINV in 2010, Fundación Ciencia & Vida participates in this Millenium Institute as a co-executor Institution, an endeavor that is leaded by our Computational Biology Lab. The research focuses on 3 areas: the study of human hemichannels and gap junction channels, the inference and dynamics of gene regulatory networks, and the study of human behavior under stressful situations. On top of that, Fundación is associated to the PhD program of Biophysics and Computational Biology housed at CINV Millennium Institute and supported by the Universidad de Valparaíso.
