The ImaginaCiencia team from Fundación Ciencia & Vida received a special commendation from PAR Explora Sur Poniente for their collaboration during the years 2014 and 2015


During the closing ceremony of the “Proyecto Asociativo Regional (PAR) Explora Sur Poniente 2013-2015”, headed by Ms. Margarita Toledo from Universidad del Pacífico Melipilla, the ImaginaCiencia team from our Foundation received an honorable mention for their dedication to science communication. Through motivational speeches intended at stimulating the curiosity and amazement of school students and adults, our team presented the wonders as well as the human and more fun side of science. Under the sponsorship of the Explora Program of Conicyt, and thanks to the dedicated work of Sebastian Valenzuela, Evelyn Menares, Pablo Cifuentes, Nicole Rojas, Cristian Doñas and Nicole Halçartégaray, the team reached more than 5000 high-school students and teachers from vulnerable and rural schools within the Metropolitan Region.


In addition, the PAR Explora Sur Poniente recently renewed the Explora funds for the next three years and strengthened their relationship with Fundación Ciencia & Vida through future collaborations with the ImaginaCiencia team.

Foto Imaginaciencia

Sebastián Valenzuela and Evelyn Menares from Fundación Ciencia & Vida with Ms. Margarita Toledo, Director of PAR Explora Sur Poniente (center).
